Course Archive

Fall 2024Doctoral Colloquium(all faculty)Rauischholzhausen Castle
Spatial EconometricsProf. Dr. Reinhold KosfeldUniversity of Kassel
Topics in Advanced Industrial OrganizationProf. Dr. Georg GötzJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
Theory of Economic PolicyProf. Dr. Carsten HefekerUniversity of Siegen
Text as Data in EconomicsBurcu OzgunUniversity of Kassel
Social Network Analysis using Data AnalyticsProf. Dr. Richard WeberRWTH Aachen
Introduction to Lab & VR ExperimentsProf. Dr. Özgür GürerkRWTH Aachen
Science Communication and Research ConsultingProf. Dr. Felix RöselTU Braunschweig
Monetary MacroeconomicsProf. Dr. Peter TillmannJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
Spring 2024Doctoral Colloquium(all faculty)Marburger Schloss
Advanced Development EconomicsProf. Dr. Andreas Fuchs et al. University of Göttingen
Applied Econometric Analysis of Stated Choice DataProf. Dr. Andreas ZieglerUniversity of Kassel
Python Programming and Machine Learning for Economic ResearchMichael E. RoseUniversity of Kassel
Applied Time Series Econometrics for Macroeconomics and FinanceProf. Dr. N. Kundan Kishor (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)Justus-Liebig-University Gießen
MicroeconomicsProf. Dr. Oliver LorzRWTH Aachen
Field Experiments & Correspondence Studies: Methods & LLM-Tools (Stata & Python)Prof. Dr. Ekkehard KöhlerUniversity of Siegen
Graduate Public Economics: Public GoodsProf. Dr. Sebastian KessingUniversity of Siegen
Fall 2023Doctoral Colloquium(all faculty)Rauischholzhausen Castle
Causal Inference in Applied EconometricsProf. Dr. Mirjam StockburgerJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
Spatial EconometricsApl. Prof. Dr. Reinhold KosfeldUniversity of Kassel
Field Experiments in EconomicsDr. Igor AsanovUniversity of Kassel
Wissenschaftstheorie und Methodologie der ÖkonomieProf. Dr. Max AlbertJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
Spring 2023Doctoral Colloquium(all faculty)Rauischholzhausen Castle
Advanced MacroeconomicsProf. Dr. Ulrike NeyerHHU Düsseldorf
Applied EconometricsProf. Dr. Bernd HayoPhilipps University Marburg
Advanced Development EconomicsProf. Dr. Andreas Fuchs et al. University of Göttingen
Applied econometric analysis of stated choice dataProf. Dr. Andreas ZieglerUniversity of Kassel
Behavioral EconomicsProf. Dr. Ivo BischoffUniversity of Kassel
Law & EconomicsProf. Dr. Tim FriehePhilipps University Marburg
Fall 2022Doctoral Colloquium(all faculty)Rauischholzhausen Castle
Time Series Econometrics and Text MiningProf. Dr. Peter WinkerJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
Experimental EconomicsProf. Dr. Björn Frank and Prof. Dr. Björn VollanUniversity of Kassel and Philipps University Marburg
Spatial EconometricsApl. Prof. Dr. Reinhold KosfeldUniversity of Kassel
Wissenschaftstheorie und Methodologie der ÖkonomieProf. Dr. Max AlbertJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
Spring 2022Doctoral Colloquium (all faculty) Rauischholzhausen Castle
Advanced MacroeconomicsProf. Dr. Ulrike Neyer Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Makroökonomik – Einführung in DSGE-Modelle und deren Lösung mit Hilfe von Dynare Prof. Dr. Jochen Michaelis and Dr. Benjamin Schwanebeck University of Kassel
Advanced Development Economics Prof. Dr. Andreas Fuchs et al. University of Göttingen
Applied Econometric Analysis of Stated Choice Data Prof. Dr. Andreas Ziegler University of Kassel
Industrial Economics Prof. Dr. Matthias Hunold University of Siegen
Contemporary Research in Accounting (Seminar) Professor Kevin Rich, Ph.D. Philipps University Marburg
Fall 2021Doctoral Colloquium(all faculty)Rauischholzhausen Castle
Regulatory Challenges of the Digital Economy: Data, Competition, Innovation, PrivacyProf. Dr. Wolfgang KerberPhilipps University Marburg
Advanced Development EconomicsProf. Dr. Andreas Fuchs et al. University of Göttingen
Spatial EconometricsProf. Dr. Reinhold KosfeldUniversity of Kassel
Wissenschaftstheorie und Methodologie der ÖkonomieProf. Dr. Max AlbertJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
Spring 2021Doctoral Colloquium(all faculty)Online
Advanced MacroeconomicsProf. Dr. Ulrike Neyer Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Recent Developments in Monetary Policy: Theory and EvidenceProf. Dr. Peter TillmannJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
Praktische Unternehmens- und WirtschaftsethikProf. Dr. Hartmut KliemtJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
Graduate MicroeconomicsProf. Dr. Oliver LorzRWTH Aachen University
Applied Econometric Analysis of Stated Choice DataProf. Dr. Andreas ZieglerUniversity of Kassel
Applied EconometricsProf. Dr. Bernd HayoPhilipps University Marburg
Fall 2020Doctoral Colloquium (all faculty)Online
Spatial EconometricsProf. Dr. Reinhold KosfeldUniversity of Kassel
Behavioral EconomicsProf. Dr. Ivo BischoffUniversity of Kassel
Advanced Development EconomicsProf. Dr. Stephan Klasen et al. University of Göttingen
Spring 2020Public Economics/Political EconomyProf. Dr. Thushyanthan BaskaranUniversity of Siegen
MicroeconomicsProf. Dr. Georg von WangenheimUniversity of Kassel
Time Series Econometrics and Text MiningProf. Dr. Peter WinkerJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
Machine Learning in EconomicsHannah BullUniversity of Kassel
Applied econometric analysis of stated choice data Prof. Dr. Andreas ZieglerUniversity of Kassel
Fall 2019 Doctoral Colloquium (all faculty) Rauischholzhausen Castle
Peer-Review Workshop Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Schulte Philipps-University Marburg
Advanced Development Economics
Prof. Dr. Stephan Klasen et al. University of Göttingen
Advanced Macroeconomics Prof. Dr. Ulrike Neyer Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Spring 2019Doctoral Colloquium(all faculty)Rauischholzhausen Castle

Recent Developments in Monetary Policy: Theory and Evidence
Prof. Dr. Peter Tillmann
Justus-Liebig-University Gießen
FinanzwissenschaftProf. Dr. Sebastian KessingUniversity of Siegen
Law and EconomicsProf. Dr. Tim FriehePhilipps-University Marburg
Advanced MacroeconomicsProf. Dr. Ulrike NeyerHeinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Applied EconometricsProf. Dr. Bernd HayoPhilipps-University Marburg

Applied econometric analysis of stated choice data
Prof. Dr. Andreas Ziegler
University of Kassel
Praktische Unternehmens- und WirtschaftsethikProf. Dr. Hartmut KliemtJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
Fall 2018Doctoral Colloquiumall facultyRauischholzhausen Castle
Advanced Development Economics
Prof. Dr. Stephan Klasen et al.University of Göttingen
Spatial EconometricsProf. Dr. Reinhold KosfeldUniversity of Kassel
Experimental EconomicsProf. Dr. Björn Frank University of Kassel
MicroeconomicsProf. Dr. Oliver LorzRWTH Aachen
Theory of Economic Policy Prof. Dr. Carsten Hefeker University of Siegen
Microdata in Macroeconomics Prof. Dr. Günter Beck University of Siegen
Spring 2018Doctoral Colloquium(all faculty)Rauischholzhausen Castle
Advanced Economic TheoryProf. Dr. Ulrike NeyerHeinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Advanced Economics of the EnvironmentProf. Dr. Astrid DannenbergUniversity of Kassel
Advanced Trade TheoryProf. Dr. Jürgen MecklJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
Political EconomicsProf. Dr. Robert SchwagerGeorg-August-University Göttingen
Applied econometric analysis of stated choice dataProf. Dr. Andreas ZieglerUniversity of Kassel
Fall 2017Doctoral Colloquium (all faculty) Rauischholzhausen Castle
Behavioural EconomicsProf. Dr. Ivo BischoffUniversity of Kassel
WissenschaftstheorieProf. Dr. Max AlbertJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
Advanced Development EconomicsProf. Dr. Stephan Klasen et al.Georg-August-University Göttingen
Spatial EconometricsProf. Dr. Reinhold KosfeldUniversity of Kassel
Spring 2017Doctoral Colloquium (all faculty) Rauischholzhausen Castle
Peer-Review WorkshopProf. Dr. Elisabeth SchultePhilipps-University Marburg
Makroökonomik – Einführung in DSGE-Modelle und deren Lösung mit Hilfe von DynareProf. Dr. Jochen MichaelisUniversity of Kassel
Econometric analysis of stated choice data: Applications in environmental sustainability economicsProf. Dr. Andreas ZieglerUniversity of Kassel
Applied EconometricsProf. Dr. Bernd HayoPhilipps-University Marburg
Topics in Advanced Industrial OrganizationProf. Dr. Georg GötzGeorg-August-University Göttingen
Fall 2016Doctoral Colloquium(all faculty) Rauischholzhausen Castle
MicroeconomicsProf. Dr. Oliver LorzRWTH Aachen
Economics of ScienceProf. Dr. Guido Bünstorf, Dr. Stephan B. Bruns University of Kassel
Applied EconometricsProf. Dr. Helmut HerwartzGeorg-August-University Göttingen
Microdata in MacroeconomicsProf. Dr. Günter Beck Siegen University
Spatial EconometricsProf. Dr. Reinhold KosfeldUniversity of Kassel
Advanced Development EconomicsProf. Dr. Stephan KlasenGeorg-August-University Göttingen
Spring 2016Doctoral Colloquium(all faculty)Rauischholzhausen Castle
Time-series analysis by State-Space methods. Classical and Bayesian ApproachesProf. Dr. Tino BergerGeorg-August-University Göttingen
Peer-Review WorkshopProf. Dr. Elisabeth SchultePhilipps-University Marburg
Experimental EconomicsProf. Dr. Özgür GürerkRWTH Aachen
Advanced Trade TheoryProf. Dr. Jürgen MecklJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
MicroeconomicsProf. Dr. Georg von WangenheimUniversity of Kassel
Fall 2015Doctoral Colloquium(all faculty)Rauischholzhausen Castle
WissenschaftstheorieProf. Dr. Max AlbertJustus-Liebig-University Gießen
Dynamische Optimierung mit MapleProf. Dr. Matthias Göcke Justus-Liebig-University Gießen
Monetary EconomicsProf. Dr. Peter Tillmann Justus-Liebig-University Gießen
MacroeconomicsProf. Dr. Jochen MichaelisUniversity Kassel
Advanced Development EconomicsProf. Dr. Stephan KlasenGeorg-August-University Göttingen
Law and Economics of Intellectual Property RightsProf. Dr. Wolfgang KerberPhilipps-University Marburg
Spring 2015Doctoral Colloquium(all faculty)Rauischholzhausen Castle
Applied EconometricsProf. Dr. Bernd HayoPhilipps-University Marburg
Spatial EconometricsProf. Dr. Reinhold KosfeldUniversity Kassel
Peer-Review WorkshopProf. Dr. Elisabeth SchulteUniversity Marburg
FinanzwissenschaftProf. Dr. Sebastian KessingUniversity Siegen
Advanced MacroeconomicsProf. Dr. Ulrike NeyerHeinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Fall 2014Doctoral Colloquium(all faculty)Rauischholzhausen Castle
Advanced Topics in Industrial OrganizationProf. Dr. Georg Götz and Prof. Ulrich Doraszelski, PhD (University of Pennsylvania)Justus-Liebig-University Gießen and Rauischholzhausen Castle
Kreatives SchreibenProf. Dr. Björn FrankUniversity of Kassel
Advanced Development EconomicsProf. Dr. Stephan KlasenUniversity of Göttingen
Game TheoryProf. Dr. Evelyn KornPhilipps-University Marburg