Each term the MAGKS Doctoral Colloquium takes place at Castle Rauischholzhausen. The colloquium aims at providing PhD students and postdocs from the MAGKS network with an opportunity to present their research and to get to know professors and colleagues from other MAGKS universities. You can participate either by giving a 30 minute presentation about your research project (including projects that are in an early stage) or by just listening to the presentations that will be given by other participants. Presenting your research will give you the chance to get some valuable feedback by professors and other PhD students from the MAGKS network. Furthermore, the colloquium is a great opportunity to see what other PhD students are working on and for extending your academic network. The colloquium will usually start on Thursday afternoon (at around 2 pm) and end on Friday afternoon. Attendance is expected for the entire duration of the colloquium. Accommodation is available for those who would like to stay overnight. There will be a joint dinner on Thursday evening as well as a joint lunch on Friday. Also, snacks, cold beverages, coffee and tea will be served during breaks on Thursday and Friday. The number of participants is limited to 30.
Participation is free of charge. However, expenses for travel and accommodation must be paid by the participants. In addition, a lump-sum fee will be charged for the meals and snacks served during the colloquium.
To apply for the seminar, please send an email to Felipe Hoppe (Uni Marburg):
Past Seminars
Past Seminars | Presenters / Running Order |
21-22 March, 2024 | Schedule |
14-15 September, 2023 | Schedule |
23-24 March, 2023 | Schedule |
29-30 September, 2022 | Schedule |
17-18 March, 2022 | Schedule |
30 September – 1 October 2021 | Schedule |
18-19 March 2021 | Schedule |
24-25 September 2020 | Schedule |
30 September – 1 October 2019 | Schedule |
21-22 March 2019 | Schedule |
27-28 September 2018 | Schedule |
15-16 March 2018 | Schedule |
21-22 September 2017 | Schedule |
16-17 March 2017 | Schedule |
29-30 September 2016 | Schedule |
17-18 March 2016 | Schedule |
24-25 September 2015 | Schedule |
19-20 March 2015 | Schedule |
20-21 March 2014 | Schedule |
19-20 September 2013 | Schedule |
20-21 September 2012 | Schedule |
29-30 March 2012 | Schedule |
24-25 March 2011 | Schedule |